Hi, I use a custom pass to apply gamma correction to the foreground content and not to the background. I have used the same pattern for some time but a recent update (chrome? or three?) has introduced a warning:
[.WebGL-0x3de001ac3100] GL_INVALID_OPERATION: Feedback loop formed between Framebuffer and active Texture.
Followed by:
WebGL: too many errors, no more errors will be reported to the console for this context.
I’m using three r153
The custom pass contains a rendertarget, fullscreen quad, copy material and gamma correction material.
The render method:
copies the previously rendered content (accumulated background passes) from the read buffer to the write buffer.
renders the foreground content to the passes own render target
sets the fsquad material to the gamma correction material and the diffuse texture to the passes render target texture
renders the fsquad to the write buffer applying the gamma correction material.
renderer: THREE.WebGLRenderer,
writeBuffer: THREE.WebGLRenderTarget,
readBuffer: THREE.WebGLRenderTarget,
deltaTime: number,
maskActive: boolean
) {
// Render the previous pass (readBuffer) to a full screen quad
this.fsQuad.material = this.materialCopy;
this.copyUniforms['tDiffuse'].value = readBuffer.texture;
// render the previous pass to the out buffer
renderer.setRenderTarget(this.renderToScreen ? null : writeBuffer);
//// Render the main scene to a new buffer
// First store previous renderervalues
const prevClearColour = renderer.getClearColor(new THREE.Color());
const prevClearAlpha = renderer.getClearAlpha();
const prevAutoClear = renderer.autoClear;
// Perform the render
renderer.autoClear = false;
renderer.setClearColor(0x000000, 0);
renderer.render(this.scene, this.camera);
// perform linear to sRGB on the new buffer and
// render it over the top of the previous pass
// with gamma correction and normal blending enabled
// on the material
this.fsQuad.material = this.gammaCorrectionMaterial;
this.gammaUniforms['tDiffuse'].value = this.renderTargetBuffer.texture;
renderer.setRenderTarget(this.renderToScreen ? null : writeBuffer);
// restore previous settings to the renderer
renderer.setClearColor(prevClearColour, prevClearAlpha);
renderer.autoClear = prevAutoClear;
I’ve seen this pattern used elsewhere, like in the outline pass, and having just checked that example it isn’t producing the same error, so I’m wondering where I’ve gone wrong.