FBX loading warning

Is there a way to deal with these warnings from the software side or is this going to have to be addressed in the fbx asset itself?

The forespoken warnings are:

THREE.FBXLoader: ShininessExponent map is not supported in three.js, skipping texture.
THREE.FBXLoader: Vertex has more than 4 skinning weights assigned to vertex. Deleting additional weights.

I’m using FBXLoader with a LoadingManager.

This needs to be fixed in the asset. Also consider to use glTF instead of FBX.

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I have considered using glTF but I’ve already made my applet work with fbx and I’m not sure how easy it would be to transition; I have already made glTF model loading but there’s some other issues I’m facing - if you don’t mind having a look - I’ve described it in more detail here