Extensions (list, directory, collection...)

Hi, I am new to Three.js, and have seen several examples that use extensions. Is there a list or reference of extensions available somewhere?

I’ve searched Three.js documentation and Threejsfundamentals, and didn’t spot any there. (maybe I missed something)


Extensions aren’t THREE but WebGL related.

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I did find these sites…
http://www.threejsgames.com/extensions/ http://learningthreejs.com/data/THREEx/docs/THREEx.WindowResize.html

I’m not sure if you mean actual WebGL extensions or external THREE projects as those linked are extensions for THREE from someone else, not official or maintained by THREE.

Thanks for the follow up. I am primarily looking for THREE extensions at the moment, either formally maintained by Three.js or third party / personal projects.

Github and npm may help, though they are a bit chaotic. :thinking:

As for extensions maintained by three officially (non-core features of three), they are all under examples/jsm in the official repo - here.

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