Hello i get an Error on load an FBX file. others works fine.
f-6fa86501-d32f.fbx (7.5 MB)
Try to read all posts in this topic and there might be an answer to your question.
Or maybe try using a modified version of the FBX Loader from my repository.
It should work slightly different than the official version and you can test it by loading your FBX model in my FBX Viewer.
Hello, thanks for the quick reply.
You explained the problem very well in your post.
I get the FBX from another software.
Do you know a free batch converter that I can use to convert the FBX data?
I am not aware of any batch converter for FBX models (never really looked for one myself).
Currently, I am aware that my ASSIMP Viewer can load some FBX models and re-export them to FBX format which might be bigger in size but is readable by three.js library. This viewer does have limitations and might not be as good for some animated FBX models.
Blender software might also be able to do the same but might also produce bigger size in re-exported FBX file.
Maybe do the search online and see if you can find any other software.
Try switching to GLTF format if you can.
Hello GitHubDragonFly, I’ll have a look.
As a workaround, I included your FBXLoader.js and it works perfectly