Error Makes All Textures Black in the Scene

At some moment in the scene, all my textures turn black, multiple geos / mats / meshes, with no errors logged.

It seems unintended, that it can break the whole scene (?).

I narrowed it down to the interaction of one geometry’s color attribute and shader.

The values are in the range of 0-65535, and if set them all to 0, there’s no issue.

Ok if don’t touch values in the buffer attribute and I replace all uses in the custom shader chunk of color.r, color.g, color.b with 1.0, everything breaks still. But if I replace with 0., it is fine. Making progress.

edit: added an update. the error seems conditional on PMREM generator / scene.envMap

A curiosity, are you using post-processing at all? Once I had a similar issue, and in my case it was fixed when I removed some of the postprocessing functions I was using.

Which postproc? I am using pmndrs/postprocessing, but only doing a tonemapping pass right now.

Here is a pmndrs/postprocessing tonemapping example.
Only way I can get everything to black is to slide middleGrey to 0

It’s not likely a tone mapping issue.
It only affects textures, which become black.

The error is here:

// VALUE = 0.; // no error
// VALUE = 1.; // error
// VALUE = 0.001; // no error

// If comment out this line, no error += normal * noise * VALUE * _force * 6.3;
// If remove the normal, no error
// += noise * VALUE * _force * 6.3;

// Updated findings:
// no error
// += vec3(normal.x, 1., normal.z) * noise;
// error
// += vec3(normal.x, normal.y, normal.z) * noise;

mvPosition = modelViewMatrix * vec4(owc +, 1.) ;
gl_Position = projectionMatrix * mvPosition;

Another clue is the ‘catastrophic all textures go black’ error can be prevented by turning off this part of the code (PMREM Generator):

const cameraWorldPos = new THREE.Vector3();
const pmremGen = new THREE.PMREMGenerator(this.renderer);
let pmremTarget;

this.loop.beforeRender = () => {
	this.cubeCamera.counter += 1;

	if (this.cubeCamera.counter % 360 === 0) {;
		this.cubeCamera.update(this.renderer, this.scene);

		// feedback loop fix? it works, but idk just a guess
		// [.WebGL-0x1090004b9c00] GL_INVALID_OPERATION: Feedback loop formed between Framebuffer and active Texture.

		let t;

		// Re-use the target, otherwise PMREM allocates a target / texture per call
		if (pmremTarget) {
			t = pmremGen.fromCubemap(this.cubeRenderTarget.texture, pmremTarget);
		else {
			t = pmremGen.fromCubemap(this.cubeRenderTarget.texture);
			pmremTarget = t;
		t.texture.needsPMREMUpdate = false;
		this.scene.environment = t.texture;