Edit tags useful?

If I see it correctly, the tags are not subsequently editable.

In some days (may be weeks) the extension of my addon
"addon produces almost infinite many time varying geometries with functions"
is done on non-indexed and indexed BufferGeometry.

If I present this in the existing topic, it would be useful to edit the tags and to supplement indexed, non-indexed, BufferGeometry.

Of course, I can also open a new topic and link to each other. What is the opinion :question:

Do you see that pencil next to the title of the post? Thatโ€™s where tags are edited. If not, it might be a setting we need to activate.

:confounded: This happens to me more often - the simple things I do not see! :eyeglasses:

Thank you!!!

I had just looked here and saw the pencil.

Now I want to update my addon and there is no pencil!

Can the title be too long and the pen has no place?

Or do I need another :dark_sunglasses: ?