Does version 0.99.0 has automatic webgl context restore mechanism in place?

I am not able to listen to “webglcontextrestored”. I have put alert and doesnot show up. Any clue?

webglcontextrestored is automatically triggered by the WebGL API and not by three.js. Read the following documentation for more details:

three.js only restores it internal state after a context lost. But it might be necessary to execute additional logic on app level.

I am bit new to three.js. Can you please have a look at following fiddle see what am i missing? -

Have a look at this fiddle: Edit fiddle - JSFiddle - Code Playground

When using WebGLRenderer.forceContextLoss(), you also have to use WebGLRenderer.forceContextRestore() in order to force the context restore.

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But forceContextRestore doesn’t work when context lost happens organically in the browser rather than using forceContextLoss And in that case, even if I use forceContextRestore, it will not restore my state. Is that right?

If thats so, what should I do to restore in that case?

WebGLRenderer.forceContextLoss() and WebGLRenderer.forceContextRestore() are used to simulate a context loss and restore based on the WebGL extension WEBGL_lose_context.

If you have a real context loss, the mentioned events should be triggered automatically. If this is not the case, I recommend you file a bug at the browser vendor’s issue tracker.

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When I call these two functions frequently, the browser’s memory grows rapidly.

It seems to bring in extra memory when call forceContextRestore ,

how to avoid this problem

In what browser does this happen?

So happy to get your reply , On Google, I just solved this problem , I had to dispose the scene before calling forceContextLoss()

Dear author, hello
It seems that the matrix does wrong change when call the Object3d.add method in webgpuRender。

two month ago , I execute the following two lines of code and in webgpuRenderer camera performs the exact opposite shift. In webglRenderer, camera can be localized normally relative to player


Please open a new topic for this issue and ideally provide a live example that demonstrates what goes wrong.

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