Hi guys. i’m trying to use CubeCamera to reflect the surroundings of a mesh but this reflection has a weird magnification which I cannot figure out how to solve. I attach a screenshot. The furniture in front is reflectin the blue jar. Looks very weird. How do I solve this? I tried this:
You can see by looking at the reflection that the cubeCamera was placed at a lower position than the perspective camera, so it looks bigger. Try changing cubeCamera position to better reflect the expected effect.
As a side point, remember that environment cubeMaps are intented to reflect distant objects like surroundings, terrains, far buildings, skys and so on. If you need a plane reflection for a near object you could try with threejs oficial mirror-reflector instead.
So mirror-reflector is not an option for me since I need to also be able to apply roughness,metalness and other material properties to my furniture. I tried offseting the camera and this is the result I got:
While the item itself looks smaller it also looks further. I really do not care about the quality of the reflection as long as it is accurate when it comes to size.
I do not know if moving the CubeCamera is even an option, since the furniture in front has 4 sides and I need all of them to reflect correctly. If I offset the camera to one side, the opposite side will also suffer that offset.
oh yes, of course, when using a single cube camera the reflection will be correct for a single plane at most. all the rest will be wrong, and you will have to deal with that.
I applied a MeshReflectorMaterial (I’m using r3f) and created some offset depending of the mesh sizeand it looks like this. It’s as if you put a mirror just in front of the mesh, but all its properties and textures are gone.
I’m using react-three-gpu-pathtracing to render my scene with Pathtracing and it looks just how I need it but in the normal render:
Thanks for the help! But mixStrength seems to attenuate the light reflecting my furniture but that is about it. I applied MeshReflectorMaterial on my furniture and got this result, here I show my furniture rotated since some viewpoints do not reflect anything at all:
While the lower part of the mesh seems to reflect, the upper part is not doing it. This furniture is composed of 1 mesh and I’m applying MeshReflectorMaterial from Drei: