I have to acknowledge being an old timer U*ix system administrator. Software to be used by everybody had two possible locations:
The best example is gcc and family.
Now I find myself in a new world. My node installation lives in:
So I added the corresponding directory to my path.
How/where should the node package be installed? It would be done and owned by root, of course.
-Ramon F. Herrera
JFK Numbers
Last week I was going to allow a colleague access to my server. He is helping me with Three.js applicatons, maybe more. Creating a user account with regular privileges is easy enough. Then I realized: “Does this mean that I have to keep on installing node to every user?”
JFK Numbers
August 17, 2020, 9:53pm
This is better asked on another forum. Please keep posts here related to three.js only.
1 Like
Okay, will do. I am still unclear on the separations/interactions between so many Javascript packages.
JFK Numbers
You are right, looee. I found the answer here:
How do you install Node.JS on CentOS?
It is 9 years old, but it is compiling as we speak.
JFK Numbers