the way he sets up the examples completely breaks everything regarding how I always do everything. I can’t run the examples without running a server. what… why.
When I run the examples, I don’t start an html like always, instead, it’s a direct js which sends a request to this dedicated server. What? Why?
I don’t program this way. I run an html file which runs the js.
And running a server on the localhost, which is not the backend but instead, some kind of a front end server. Why?
Now I constantly need to have this new server thing running.
For what reason exactly?
It’s almost like they are getting paid to be confusing.
And I can’t turn it into an ordinary file, without getting rid of the npm. Which means i have to back trace everything.
And the npm is constantly trying to add dependencies.
I can’t add dependencies. It is a road to nowhere.
It is also like this, within the code itself. You cant just increase the complexity.
Especially not with the argument, just-chase-the-crowd.
Nobody can, nothing can.
If we let the complexity go up like this we can just quit now.
We’re on a road to nowhere.
And that’s where web development is today.
Middle of nowhere.
The systems we are making are complete shit.
And if what he is presenting here is some better way of doing things. I will need to change all my systems this way. I’m not seeing that though.
I always do all systems the same way.
The best way.
I can’t be making one system one way and the next some other way.
I do them all the one and only best way.