Change eye separation width in WebVR

Hi, I am using Threejs to stream stereoscopic video to Oculus Rift. I put videos on a sphere geometry. When two eyes are separated, I am able to see sphere as 3D object. I would like to put both left and right cameras at the same position. How can I do that?

I am using the example here. In this example they used THREE.VREffect. But it shows only left eye for me.

VREffect is actually deprecated. WebVR support is a built-in feature since a while. Can you try it with the code of the latest version?

I tried the sample. It just create a huge sphere to remove stereo effect but it is still seen. There must be an eye separation setting somewhere, right?

There must be an eye separation setting somewhere, right?

No. The projection and view matrices for the left and right eye are provided by WebVR and the related eye separation is not changeable via three.js.


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Thank you. I will probably tinker WebVRManager then.

When I changed line 164 to

cameraR.matrixWorldInverse.fromArray( frameData.leftViewMatrix );

it worked.