WebXR with Three.js: basic functionality is missing

I was surprised to discover that there is no way to adjust IPD in Three.js for WebXR!
So, how one could access the core API and still do this inside Three.js?

I guess this is a duplicate of: Change eye separation width in WebVR

That refers to the older web-vr, should I post there?

It is still the same for WebXR. AFAIK, you can’t configure the IPD.

If that’s true, it’s very wrong, fundamental mistakes like this have led to shameful failure a number of projects like Google’s Cardboard, Daydream, before that the complete failure of 3D movies, 3D TVs and so on…

Anyway, we don’t need Google & co to provide the viewer with proper Stereo-VR/AR rendering, nor device position/orientation and I guess the rest of device API about controls can be accessed separately, right?