Hello I am wondering how one would do this kind of effect were the camera kind of sways/ rocks like on https://interview.ueno.co the effect is very subtle I am also wondering how to restrict the camera rotation like on the above site does using orbit camera I have kind of restricted my camera but It stops abruptly and isn’t smooth.
OrbitControls has autoRotate
, enableDamping
and associated params which might be able to achieve that effect.
Thanks for the reply but I don’t think that is what I am after as if you look closely the swaying also moves up and down not just left and right it is very subtle
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Just from the scratch:
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How would I add this to a mousemove event instead of mousedown and up? (Im new to three and js so might be a stupid question)
this is how I’ve added it so far but it kind of messes up the onmousemove when trying to move the scene when the mouse moves: https://codepen.io/uiunicorn/pen/VwvxrGz