I’m trying to find a way to invert the OrbitControls, so when you click and move the mouse to the right, I want the camera to go to left.
I have been playing around but I find it difficult to get it working.
Does someone know a tutorial or an example I could use or know how to implement this?
Thank you in advanced
So I found the answer which is very simple, for does who maybe are looking for this solution
const Control = (props:any) => {
const { gl, camera, mouse} = useThree()
const controls = useRef<any>()
useEffect(() => {
if (controls.current) {
controls.current.rotateSpeed = -0.35
}, [])
return <OrbitControls ref={controls} args={[camera, gl.domElement]} {...props} />
I found it in this video:
setting the rotation speed negative makes it orbit inverted