I have an issue with camera controls. I feel it should be easy but can’t find a way. I’d like the camera to be disabled from any user input. like the user can not move it manually, neither pan, nor rotate, etc… I want camera movement to be functional and triggered by pressing a button or something else but the user can not freely move.
I am using Camera Controls from drei because it has very nice and fluid movement effects but somehow I can not manage to do 2 things properly:
- disable user input. I have tried enabled = false, disconnect, etc… I can always still move my camera with my mouse
- setting up a default lookAt without using a timeout inside a useEffectLayout because somehow it’s triggering it before everything is loaded I guess but my camera always points at 0,0,0 if I don’t add a setTimeout which is ugly and unreliable. (actually even with setTimeout doesn’t work most of the time)
That’s my code now:
useLayoutEffect(() => {
const controls = cameraControlRef.current;
if (!controls) return;
setTimeout(() => {
controls.enabled = false;
// controls.disconnect()
}, 3000);
}, [cameraControlRef.current]);
const goToClient = () => {
const camera = cameraControlRef.current;
if (!camera) return;
camera.rotate(Math.PI / 4, 0, true);
return (
<directionalLight position={[-10, 40, 40]} intensity={5} castShadow />
<ambientLight intensity={0.6} />
<CameraControls ref={cameraControlRef} />
<axesHelper args={[20]} />
<primitive object={scene} />
position={[-30, 30, 30]} // x, y, z coordinates
Something I am still unsure is the need to add the controls.update()
in the useFrame (is it necessary ?)
With or without I get similar results.