Reset Camera and temporarily disable scroll

Hey guys!
I have a project with a perspective camera scrolling on the z-axis, a simple loading screen (made with css) and a few models loading. I’ve been trying to set the camera to start at z 0 on each refresh and to disable scroll until the scene is fully loaded.

To set the camera position I’ve tried to use a bool variable in combination with the loading screen. I then use an if statement to set camera at 0 , it works but it gets overridden by the scroll update right after. Any ideas on how I could solve this?
Also, any suggestions on how to temporarily disable scroll until scene is loaded is highly appreciated. Thank you!

Part of my code:

let loaded = false

const loadingManager = new THREE.LoadingManager(
    () =>
        gsap.delayedCall(0.5, () =>
  , { duration: 3, value: 0 })
   = ''


    (itemUrl, itemsLoaded, itemsTotal) =>
        const progressRatio = itemsLoaded / itemsTotal = `scaleX(${progressRatio})`

        if(progressRatio === 1)
        loaded = true

The scroll setup:

let scrollY = window.scrollY
let currentSection = 0

window.addEventListener('scroll', () =>
    scrollY = window.scrollY
    const newSection = Math.round(scrollY / sizes.height)

    if(newSection != currentSection)
        currentSection = newSection


This is in a tick function:

    if(loaded === false)
    camera.position.z = 0

        camera.position.z = - scrollY / sizes.height * objectsDistance

Thank you!