bulletz.io is a web-based endless open world 2.5D realtime multiplayer shooter.
Eat food to grow your character while avoiding the bulletz of your enemies.
Taking down enemies with your own bulletz is a fruitful endeavor, as upon knockout enemies drop their remaining mass onto the floor.
The game mechanics are simple - and gameplay is optimized both for desktop and mobile play.
I’m not sure what triggered this, but I was starting to become pretty huge, and whilst growing, I spewed out some lighting the size of the house after which the game froze. Opened up the devtools console and saw this.
edit: It happened again using the exact same method. The game freezes on this frame, when the bolts are exploding:
Thanks for the bug report Harold I’ll see if I can figure out why that might have happened to you.
I’m also working on a full-fledged rewrite to support 500+ players per realm (you can preview it here: https://bulletz-dev.netlify.app/). This is like 90% done, and i’d expect the bug to be fixed in the rewrite. Thanks for the enthusiasm about the project - make sure to join the discord of you want updates!