Blackness and pixelated rendering at edges


I am using below gl setting

      antialias: true,
      outputColorSpace: 'srgb',
      toneMapping: THREE.ACESFilmicToneMapping,
      toneMappingExposure: 1.5,
      pixelRatio: window.devicePixelRatio,

and below image as environment map

I am getting below results. As you can see I am getting some blacky result and some pixelated result.

Can you help me with this?

The environment map you posted does not have an exact 2:1 aspect ratio, @1130_by_599 pixels.

If viewed as an equirectangular bitmap in a suitable program, this does in fact leave a 68 pixel wide black vertical strip.

Whatever bitmap you provide as an environment map is treated internally as if it WERE of an exact 2:1 aspect ratio, even when it isn’t. The missing space for an exact 2:1 aspect ratio will then be filled with black, which gets mapped onto your geometry, too. Which is what you are observing.

A naked eye can distinguish black zones, starting on your hdr map! … :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Note that if you’re using any post-processing / EffectComposer, the antialias setting has no effect and you’d need a separate antialias pass. Or this might have something to do with the model and not the renderer or environment settings. Demo could be more helpful than screenshots to guess.