Is it possible in JavaScript to get the transformed vertex positions of a skinnedMesh after setting an animation pose? Or alternatively is there a way to update a vertex to an animation time in JavaScript.
Some pseudocode that I combined from the previous thread where you asked this question:
// simplified with boneTransform
let skinned = new THREE.Vector3();
let geometry = skinnedMesh.geometry;
let position = geometry.attributes.position;
for (let i = 0; i < position.count; i ++ ) {
skinnedMesh.boneTransform(i, skinned);
//skinned is now in model space... (probably what you're looking for..)
//to get it in worldspace...
skinned.applyMatrix4( skinnedMesh.matrixWorld );
Thanks. boneTransform is now applyBoneTransform. The source gltf.scene that the AnimationMixer is controlling needs adding to the scene while baking the animation for mixer.setTime to affect the bone transforms.
Are you going to write these vertex positions to a texture?
If so, you can arrange them in rows, then use the bilinear filtering to tween the frames right in the texture read…
position = texture(frameTexture,vec2(gl_VertexID/vertexCount,frameTime));
Thanks for the advice. I’m just saving them to a StorageBuffer. Seems to work fine. I’ll try your suggestion in another example. TSL is amazing!
Awesome work!! (looks like one of the terms in atan migth needs flipping)