You can make a APK yourself on ARAppBuilder.
ARAppBuilder supports functions very easily and perfectly to make a App even though you are not expert in 3D.
Please check online live demo at
ID: aaa
Password: 123456
Lets follow the usage.
Add a contents what you want to add in your real 3D space.
The contents are video(.mp4, .webm), audio(.mp3), 3D model(.obj, .fbx, .glb, .gltf) and PDF files.
Assume added a monkey model. -
Add a marker image.
What means marker?
It is just actually image in our live space like monkey image of children’s story book.
Assume added a monkey image file. -
Make a 3D design on 3D editor.
You can add the over monkey model to 3D editor.
Please go to Uploads tab from left menu.
Can you see monkey that you added.
Please drag and drop monkey to main space.
3D editor also includes the following features:
Functions : Timeline Animation(Move, Rotation, Scale, FadeIn), Object Edit(Texture, Shadow, Position, Rotation, Scale etc), Preview, Build To JSON, Save as Image, Undo/Redo etc
Elements : Plane, Circle, Cube, Sphere, Cylinder, Pyramid, Cone, Tube, Torus
Widgets : Text, Video, Audio, Panorama, PDF, Website, Youtube, Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, Gallery
Lights : Directional, Point, Spot, Hemisphere, Ambient
Models : FBX, OBJ, GLB, GLTF
Particle : Bubbling, Spawning, Fire-Smoke, Spark, Water, Cloud-Flog, Flame, Snow, Rain.
Save your design and close your 3D editor.
Make your APK automatically.
Click button and wait a few minitues.
May be are required clicking button to check status of building status. -
Download your APK and install.
Please run your App
Your camera focus to monkey image.
What are happenies?
Can you see the monkey model?
Can you see your everything that you made in 3D editor?
So, you made your APK yourself.
We are using own marker engine that better than Vuforia.