Hello Three.js world,
I am so excited to be working on my first project that involved disaster response. I am working on an interaction wherein, upon scroll, a rolling fire becomes “quantified” (ie, represented in a grid-like form)- and I have decided to use a grid image overlaid on the fire to achieve this. Originally, I tried to do an actual point cloud instead of faking it with a texture, but seeing as how I am a beginning, animating between a fire-like texture, and a grid - seems like the best solution.
So, to repeat that - I am trying to start off with a fire that is moving by itself, then the user scrolls, and as this happens, a tween is initiated that animated between the fire texture, and a grid-like texture.
Ideal start view, all fire
Ideal end view, all grid
Here is my current working link, which was based on the original dynamic terrain example that creates a terrain from a noise(d) normal map and a simple plane.
I am really stuck animating between textures with a TWEEN - I tried using MultiMaterialObject - and then tweening the respective opacities - but I understand that this feature may have been depreciated. Ultimately - my current mesh looks like this,
terrain = new THREE.Mesh( geometryTerrain, mlib[ 'terrain' ] );
…wherein the geometryTerrain is a simple PlaneBufferGeometry, and the mlib is a much more complicated series of seemingly custom shaders, that include two textures currently being referenced as diffuse layers:
var loadingManager = new THREE.LoadingManager( function () {
terrain.visible = true;
} );
var textureLoader = new THREE.TextureLoader( loadingManager );
var specularMap = new THREE.WebGLRenderTarget( 2048, 2048, pars );
specularMap.texture.generateMipmaps = false;
var diffuseTexture1 = textureLoader.load( "textures/terrain/grasslight-big2.jpg" );
var diffuseTexture2 = textureLoader.load( "textures/terrain/grasslight-big21.jpg" );
var detailTexture = textureLoader.load( "textures/terrain/grasslight-big-nm.jpg" );
Any help here would be greatly appreciated - I have my LearningThreeJs Book on my iPad, buy I think it might be slightly outdated.
Thank you!!