Animated Instanced Skinned Meshes (GLTF)

So automatic bone reduction works now, but the mesh should not have errors like the Soldier.glb in the three examples, it has skin indices pointing to bones it does not has.

Anyway with any other models i tested there seems to be no issue, the only thing left to do is figuring out why THREE on the render call still is doing some matrix computations, and unfortunately i don’t have a asset with multiple geometry LODs here to test i could also use for a demo, but there should be no issue as long as every LOD is assigned to the same skeleton.

It also skips processing animation bindings or matrix computations on inactive bones. With debug mode enabled it will visualize the LOD levels.

Max instances (per LOD) 256 (so 512 in total)
LOD 0 texture 32x32, bone count 67, texture 1 MB
LOD 1 texture 8x8 ,bone count 14, texture 0.0625 MB

The second LOD basically skips all bones from hand on and form foot bone on

You see fingers not being closed or feet bending

All bones active

To properly test and showcase i need some multi-geometry asset, i can’t use those from my project unfortunately.