Animate an Object by a world/Global Axis

Hey all,
As I understand Object3D methods such as translateOnAxis translate an Object by its local Axis. I want my Object to translate about a particular normalizedVector but not about its local Axis but rather by worldAxis. How should I go about it? Thanks in Advance. :grinning:

Naive way: simply change object.position manually (not using translate methods.)

:sparkles: Prestigious way :1st_place_medal::

  • Create new Matrix4 instance.
  • Use makeTranslation to translate the matrix (works the same way as translating 3D object, feel free to also rotate and scale.) This matrix is a global transformation - if you’d like to make it local, you’d use Object3D.matrix instead.
  • Use Object3D.applyMatrix4 to apply the matrix to your object.