3D Chart [BoxGeometry]

Hi community!
An attempt to create a 3D-chart. Inspired by Creating a 3D Area Chart with D3.js & Three.js


Demo: https://codepen.io/prisoner849/full/oNPZPYE


Why not tag “showcase” ? :slight_smile:

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@prisoner849 is so kind to share the demo as a editable live example so it’s ideal for the resource category.


Yeah, I thought it’s worth to be in Resources, as it’s more like a starting point/example rather than a finished art/project :blush:


For those who might be looking for an updated version, in the form of a standalone HTML file, here it is with slight changes to colors / alignment - as I thought they could be but the whole idea still belongs to @prisoner849.

3D Chart.zip (2.9 KB)

PS: Not really sure how to shift the label rotation around its center instead of its inward edge, anybody with an idea of how to do this then feel free to share it.