3D Anatomy Site

Spectat pulchram. Gratias ago pro labore tuo communicando.

Unde vivo, exempla lentissime onerant. Quia Coreanum nescio, temere aliquem nexum e summo menu conabar. Ad res sursum accelerandas, exempla in GLB convertere conare โ€” hoc amplitudinem limam aliquanto reducere et tempus onerantem accelerare. GLTF non apta est ad exempla magnarum traditionum online.

I used gltf compression,
The model has a maximum size of less than approximately 9 Mb.

When compressed with glb,
It exceeds 1Gb.

If compression is not performed, it is remembered as 2~3Gb.

I used Blender to compress it.

Are there any other good ways?

You can translate by right-clicking in Google Chrome.

This is my YouTube introduction video.
Since there are Korean subtitles, you can also translate and watch with the desired subtitles.

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