TL;DR- I’m trying to figure out how these GLB files are so small, and secondly, when I attempt to import the optimized versions into Blender I receive the error: Extension EXT_texture_webp is not available on this addon version.
I’m working on an established project for a client replacing the prior dev, who I don’t have access to for questioning. In this project there is an incredible amount of compression applied to the GLBs being used
The picture shows the original models and then their optimized versions. They carry the “-transformed” tag from gltfjsx, but that alone isn’t responsible for their low file size. I’ve attempted to use the glTF Transform CLI but the lowest I could get it was from 13,000 KB to 2,000 KB, which is still fantastic, but still falling far short of 11,700 KB into 283 KB! And despite using the flag for webp compression when I used to CLI the models I generated were able to be put into Blender without issue. Any help with these issues is much appreciated!