Worthy of threejs.org cover 3D portfolio

Hello THREEjs friends :slight_smile:

:rocket: Embark on a journey and explore my three.js portfolio! :sparkles:

I had so much fun creating this and I can say, it’s only the beginning!

I have high hopes for it, looking forward to feedback and reaching the cover :slight_smile: !


Thanks for sharing your portfolio. It is sweet. It reminds me of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry’s “Le Petit Prince” and I did expect to see a rose.

As for the feedback, here is my first impression:

  • it is a portfolio, so I expected some samples (or screenshots) of your work, I didn’t find any, except for Lenstore
  • scrollable text may need some indication that it is scrollable (1)
  • there is a shadow behind the fire, but not behind the character and the rocks (2)
  • there is grass through a stone (3)
  • on mobile landscape mode texts overlap (4)


Hey, Pavel!

Thanks for the comment and the feedback, much appreciated!

You’ve got valid points, I’ll be sure to drop few fixes first chance I get :smile:

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Hey there Pavel,

Thanks again for the feed back.

I’m implementing some fixes, but I can’t seem to reproduce point (4). Can you elaborate please? Give me some specifics about the mobile version or the screen properties ?

Open the Ddeveloper Tool, select “Responsive Design Mode” (1) and then select landscape orientation (2). The result is this:

The same happens when I just resize the browser window and make it smaller. Here is the whole window:

Your portfolio looks beautiful!!! I’m a beginner and I’d like to know if you have any recommendations for 3D models. Most of the ones I find are paid. Do you have any good websites to recommend, or do you create your own models?

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I would suggest:

  • pictures - even thumbnails if possible for your portfolio eg appearing on the bottom or at the side of the scrolling text (stable) along with the link(s).
  • I find the fonts quite small, even on my 32" 16:9 monitor.
  • the font face is very condensed (less readable)
    A more readable font + 20-30% larger might be better.
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Ah so the height responsiveness fails. Thanks!

Thanks so much!

Most models I use are from Sketchfab. Some are free, some are not :slight_smile:


I appreciate the feedback. I’ll sure look into it :slight_smile: