What is the best way to import texture for my .gltf model


I would like to know the best way to bake textures in Blender and import them into Three.js. I feel like I’m losing a lot of quality with my current workflow. When I check my results in Blender’s Cycles renderer, the quality appears much better. I may be missing something. Specifically, I feel like I’m losing some of the metalness when baking, and the result looks a bit flatter.

Here is the approach I’ve been using:

const loader = new THREE.GLTFLoader();
const textureLoader = new THREE.TextureLoader();
const imageAll = textureLoader.load('BAKED/full.png');
imageAll.flipY = false;
const imageAllMaterial = new THREE.MeshStandardMaterial({
  map: imageAll,
  metalness: 0.5,
  roughness: 0.2,

Thanks in advance for your ideas and comments.


Metalness & roughness visuals cannot really be baked - by baking metallic reflections you’re basically falling back to pre-PBR graphics.

If you’d like the effects in three & in blend to match (at least approximately within reason), you’d need to bake 3 textues: albedo (ie. just the surface color texture), roughness (black&white), and metalness (black&white as well.) You can combine the last two within a single texture as well - just put them in separate channels (metalness in Blue, and roughness in Green, Red you can leave at full-white.)

Then load the same PBR texture into both material props:

new MesStandardMaterial({
  map: albedoTexture,
  metalnessMap: pbrTexture,
  roughnessMap: pbrTexture

thanks i will try this to see if its a bit closer. thanks

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For some reason, every time I try to bake the albedo map, it stays completely black. I’m not sure why—maybe it’s because the material is metallic, or the lighting is too dark. I have no idea.

So, I finally decided to stick with one PNG file and not create separate metallic and roughness maps. I also realized that lighting in Three.js significantly affects the final result. Initially, I was only using one ambient light, but now I’ve switched to using a spotlight. The result is much better with the spotlight.