What is the best place to have help to make shaders at three.js format?


Actually what is the best place to have help to make shaders at three.js format ? Here or elsewhere ?
The one I want to do must be a union I think of very classical cases.


Multiple aproach can be used, depend your goal and level regarding glsl coding
(despite things may change later as webGPU take the lead)

-use any node tool to compose shader with minimal coding (many choice here)
-dive into learning the basics with the begginer-friendly book of shaders
-dig even more using shadertoy, the playground for intermediate/experts


nodetoy rules. Thank you

And is there actually a forum where I can ask what is going on in this shader for example :slight_smile: Shader - Shadertoy BETA ?

The code is rather simple but I don’t know what’s happening with circles :

void mainImage( out vec4 fragColor, in vec2 fragCoord )
	vec2 uv = fragCoord.xy / iResolution.xy;
	vec2 pos = (uv.xy-0.5);
	vec2 cir = ((pos.xy*pos.xy+sin(uv.x*18.0+iTime)/25.0*sin(uv.y*7.0+iTime*1.5)/1.0)+uv.x*sin(iTime)/16.0+uv.y*sin(iTime*1.2)/16.0);
	float circles = (sqrt(abs(cir.x+cir.y*0.5)*25.0)*5.0);
	fragColor = vec4(sin(circles*1.25+2.0),abs(sin(circles*1.0-1.0)-sin(circles)),abs(sin(circles)*1.0),1.0);