WebXR, AR mode Can't display hands (OculusHandModel) on Quest 3

I 'm trying some stuff with the Quest 3, all works nicely but I wanted to run the hand input example (three.js vr - handinput - press button) in AR mode (with the passthrough) and it seems I can only run it in VR mode. When I try with the ARButton it works but not the hand models.
Any idea? (I tried to run VR mode with transparent background but it doesn’t activate the passthroug)

Thanks :slight_smile:

Do any of these work for you? Ng3ArExamples

They work yes, and all the other THREEJS Webxr example.
But what I want is to show the hand mesh in AR.

Typically, bring this demo in AR (with the passthrough on quest) : three.js vr - handinput - press button

Ok it works perfectly in fact using XR Button :slight_smile:

So cool to be able to enjoy XR on the Quest 3 browser without tweeking flags or other previous hack (to record passthrough too was a pain a before)


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May I see your code ? I have same problem :frowning:

It could come from the recent change in THREE r162!
You have to add options now:

    const sessionInit = {
      //optionalFeatures: [ 'hand-tracking' ]
      requiredFeatures: ["hand-tracking"],
    document.body.appendChild(XRButton.createButton(renderer, sessionInit));

The change log for r162 says:


  • Don’t request hand-tracking feature by default. #27699, #27715

Thanks for the tip about using XRButton instead of VRButton. Will try. My current problem is freezing when there are hands - working fine if there are controllers - this is with VRButton.

Perhaps this is an awkward place to ask, but I do not know how to see any errors when testing on my Quest 3 - so it makes debugging this type of thing really hard. I am testing in the Quest Browser. Oh wait… do you guys test on emulators? Have not tried that. Any tips? Thanks.

Hy @danzen , I’m just starting to learn xr development with threejs and Quest 2,
what I usually do to debug is, connect the VR headset to my laptop(mac), and using Chrome developer options I can see the logs

before that, you need to turn on the developer option in your quest

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Thanks - will give it a go.