I can"t find any documentation on how to solve that, that’s the first time I got this problem (a Frontity-Webpack issue ? It works very well with the simple create-react-app starter project ?)
It seems to be a THREE error, where should I investigate ?
This error can appear if you accidentally use multiple three.js versions in a single build. So please make sure that three.js isn’t imported more than once and all project components are comptabile to the used three.js version (in your case r138).
Thanks a lot for your answer !!
Could you please confirm it has nothing to do with importing THREE.js in two separate files that need both THREE to be imported → as on the screenShot below :
OK thanks a lot anyway ! I installed a webpack plugin to warn about duplicates, I don’t know if It did the work or if this is a THREE warning but I now have a marvellous warning that seems to confirm what you’re saying : i’ll dig on that (I don’t manage to find where it’s imported twice).
it usually happens when 3rd party libs have wrong imports, like one imports from “three” (correct) another from “three/src/index.js” (incorrect) or “three/dist/three.module.js” (also incorrect), things like that. nothing really specific in r3f, it imports from “three”. or sometimes a bundler can’t decide between versions, when versioning ranges conflict.
in your package json there’s @react-three/gltfjsx which is unusual, it’s a cli tool, something that you run (npx gltfjsx model.gltf) but you normally don’t install. that indeed relies on a slightly older three that node has to install.
in the worst case alias “three” to node_modules/three and it’s done. though before you do that better find the root cause.
Thanks a lot for your help, I’m on It. I’ll try to find the root cause as I’d prefer too . Ok for GTLFJSX, I’ll clean this and noticed about the version.