with that code above you are dumping a group or whatever fbxloader returns into a mesh (primitive puts an existing object into the tree, that’s why you see the model). in threejs a mesh needs to have a geometry and a (or multiple) materials.
im guessing something like
<mesh geometry={obj.???.geometry}>
as for these two textures, don’t expect the first one to be interpreted as a normalmap if that’s your intention. i wonder why at all would you want two materials like that.
do you know how your problem is solved in just plain threejs?
As I have mentioned I am pretty new to react three fiber/drei and in general to threejs, do you know how I can solve this? really interested to learn more about this technology it seems awesome!
and start slowly with simple stuff, otherwise everything will turn into a guessing game. all i can say is that the way you’re handling it is neither how meshes work in three, nor materials nor how normalmaps are applied. i would suggest you spend more time on threejs fundamentals first.