VRML Loader and "uv" attributes


when I use the vrml loader of threejs in the geometry attributes there is no “uv” attributes that I need to use another module:

Is there a way to calculate theses attributes, after the import?

Nota: If I use a version of three.js > 140, I get this error while importing my vrml

Do I use wrongly the importer or is it a bug?

UVs involve a lot of artistic choices, it’d be difficult to generate good ones automatically. Usually people use software like Blender (search for something like “Blender UV unwrapping tutorial”) and then export to formats like glTF. Trying to use the VRML format with modern modeling tools may be difficult.

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Thanks for the reply.
Unfortunately I can’t change the object format my customer provides… It is VRML.
Isn’t exist a value meaning “do nothing”? like fill with ones, or zero?
What will be the size of this attribute? the number of vertex? triangles or something else?

Do you mind sharing a VRML file that triggers the error?

Isn’t exist a value meaning “do nothing”? like fill with ones, or zero?
What will be the size of this attribute? the number of vertex? triangles or something else?

If another module requires UVs, then I don’t think filling in empty UVs is going to fix much. Maybe you can share more detail here?


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