Loading complex "heavy" VRML wrl models properly?

Hi I have a model which I try to load with mrdoob’s VRML example
I did manage to load the model but by default I need to scale it ~25.4 times I guess because my software outputs the model in inches or something

Disclaimer: It might not matter/be the cause but my model contains drawen tracks and text graphics on it (like a PCB)

The symptoms are:

  • Scene’s backround is black as opposed to white (tested by loading the examples models with the same code)
  • Model is quite blurry but as you zoom into it it becomes better (isn’t as blury when viewing the mode in the “ThreeJS editor example”

I guess copying the imported of the editor might solve the problem but I’m trying to understand it fundamentally and keep the code minimal.

Is it possible to share the VRML asset in this topic?

Not quite the same mode but yes I give one of the same structure, but what’s the accepted method of quick sharing files here?

How big is the file? If it is small enough, you can zip it and attach it to your comment. Otherwise you can use a file sharing service.

Yeah one on the lighter models are 9.2MB which takes around 3.5secs to load and the more problematic one which is 30MB guess a file sharing service is the way but which do you recommend?

How about Google Drive?

Here I’ve also included the exported .gltf file from the .wrl export somehow it almost tripled it’s size!!! here are the links to the Model in the google drive and exported gltf model

Actually it also create’s another file of 12M which is still an increase in size Here’s the google drive link

Okay, the .wrl file can be loaded by VRMLLoader without parsing errors.

The scene’s background probably becomes black because your camera is positioned too close to the model. The typical solution for this is to compute a bounding box of the asset and then use its properties to position/configure the camera such that it properly views the asset. You can use parts of the following code snippet for doing this: