Hi, I’m using standard html video, and src tag which I create from code for my
video texture
const videosRoot = document.getElementById("videosroot")
const video: HTMLVideoElement = document.createElement("video")
video.id = `video-${this.uid}`
video.crossOrigin = "anonymous"
video.playsInline = true
video.style.display = "none"
video.muted = true
const source = document.createElement("source")
source.id = `video-source-${this.uid}`
Using it:
const videoElement = this.getVideoElement()
const videoSource = this.getVideoSource()
videoSource.setAttribute("src", value.data)
videoSource.setAttribute("type", `video/${videoAsset.file_extension}`)
I have same code, which works in html perfectly:
<video id={uid} autoPlay controls controlsList="nodownload">
<source style={{objectFit: "cover"}}
But when I play it in three js VideoTexture
DOMException: Failed to execute 'texImage2D' on 'WebGL2RenderingContext': The video element contains cross-origin data, and may not be loaded.
Playing in HTML works perfectly but here is problem when playing inside three js. Is there some setting I forgot or something ? In html I even have no CORS setting and it is working.
Is it problem with dynamic element creation in runtime?
Because I think video is played because onEnded callback is called.