Using ThreeCSG with BufferGeometry is giving me weird results

When trying to subtract or union two meshes ( TextGeometry and BufferGeometry), result meshes have missing faces and opposite results, I am using ThreeCSG that supposedly support buffer geometry, I tried converting to normal Geometry and results were the same.
Here is my code:

async function addObject(values, step, heightScale, offset) {
  var depth = 8;
  var geometry = new THREE.BufferGeometry();


  var positions = [];

  for (var i = 0; i < values.length - 1; i++) {
    positions.push(i * step, 0, 0);
    positions.push(i * step, values[i] * heightScale + offset, 0);
    positions.push((i + 1) * step, values[i + 1] * heightScale + offset, 0);

    positions.push(i * step, 0, 0);
    positions.push((i + 1) * step, values[i + 1] * heightScale + offset, 0);
    positions.push((i + 1) * step, 0, 0);

    positions.push((i + 1) * step, values[i + 1] * heightScale + offset, depth);
    positions.push(i * step, values[i] * heightScale + offset, depth);
    positions.push(i * step, 0, depth);

    positions.push((i + 1) * step, values[i + 1] * heightScale + offset, depth);
    positions.push((i + 1) * step, 0, depth);
    positions.push(i * step, 0, depth);

    positions.push(i * step, values[i] * heightScale + offset, 0);
    positions.push(i * step, values[i] * heightScale + offset, depth);
    positions.push((i + 1) * step, values[i + 1] * heightScale + offset, 0);

    positions.push((i + 1) * step, values[i + 1] * heightScale + offset, 0);
    positions.push(i * step, values[i] * heightScale + offset, depth);
    positions.push((i + 1) * step, values[i + 1] * heightScale + offset, depth);

    positions.push(i * step, 0, depth);
    positions.push((i + 1) * step, 0, 0);
    positions.push(i * step, 0, 0);

    positions.push((i + 1) * step, 0, 0);
    positions.push(i * step, 0, depth);
    positions.push((i + 1) * step, 0, depth);

  // itemSize = 3 because there are 3 values (components) per vertex
    new THREE.Float32BufferAttribute(positions, 3)


  var material = new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial({
    color: new THREE.Color(0x00ff00),
    shininess: 66,
    opacity: 1,
    transparent: true,
    side: THREE.DoubleSide

  //var geometry = new THREE.Geometry().fromBufferGeometry(geometry);
  var mesh = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, material);

  return mesh;

async function addText(mesh, textLocal, depth, textSize, type, x, y, z) {
  var font = await loadFont("assets/font2.json");
  var mesh_bsp = new ThreeBSP(mesh);
  var textGeo = new THREE.TextGeometry(textLocal, {
    size: textSize,
    height: depth,
    curveSegments: 6,
    font: font 

  var text = new THREE.Mesh(textGeo, g_material);
  text.geometry.applyMatrix(new THREE.Matrix4().makeTranslation(x, y, z));

  var text_bsp = new ThreeBSP(text);
  if (type == "subtract") {
    var subtract_bsp = mesh_bsp.subtract(text_bsp);
  } else {
    var subtract_bsp = mesh_bsp.union(text_bsp);
  result = subtract_bsp.toMesh(g_material);
  return result;

I get diffrent results if I uncomment this two lines:
//var geometry = new THREE.Geometry().fromBufferGeometry(geometry); //geometry.mergeVertices();

Results look like that:
Subtract front:
Subtract back:
Any ideas what I am missing?

It looks like the repo you linked to hasn’t been updated since 2017 and probably no longer works with the latest versions of Three.js

I know @manthrax worked on an update to work with more recent versions of Three.js Have you taken a look at his updated version?


Thank you for help. Tested it out and I get same results. No faces are added.

Have you considered to post a feature request or bug report at the respective repositories at github? I think the creators of the library can help best.

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@TimToplak What does your initial geometry look like before you perform the boolean operation? Is your mesh non-manifold?


Yep that was it, thank you! After removing this two lines, that I know that were creating non-manifold and manually adding faces for stard and end:


I saw much better improvements, some of the faces were added, but not all. After that I exported the mesh as *.stl and imported it in Blender to see, where more of non-monifolds causes can be. After a bit of playing around I found out that positions of vertexes pushed to positions array matter.
Code after switching positions:

async function addObject(values, step, heightScale, offset) {
  var geometry = new THREE.BufferGeometry();

  var positions = [];

  positions.push(0, 0, 0);
  positions.push(0, values[0] * heightScale + offset, depth);
  positions.push(0, values[0] * heightScale + offset, 0);

  positions.push(0, 0, 0);
  positions.push(0, 0, depth);
  positions.push(0, values[0] * heightScale + offset, depth);

  for (var i = 0; i < values.length - 1; i++) {
    positions.push(i * step, 0, 0);
    positions.push(i * step, values[i] * heightScale + offset, 0);
    positions.push((i + 1) * step, values[i + 1] * heightScale + offset, 0);

    positions.push(i * step, 0, 0);
    positions.push((i + 1) * step, values[i + 1] * heightScale + offset, 0);
    positions.push((i + 1) * step, 0, 0);

    positions.push((i + 1) * step, values[i + 1] * heightScale + offset, depth);
    positions.push(i * step, values[i] * heightScale + offset, depth);
    positions.push(i * step, 0, depth);

    positions.push((i + 1) * step, values[i + 1] * heightScale + offset, depth);
    positions.push(i * step, 0, depth);
    positions.push((i + 1) * step, 0, depth);

    positions.push(i * step, values[i] * heightScale + offset, 0);
    positions.push(i * step, values[i] * heightScale + offset, depth);
    positions.push((i + 1) * step, values[i + 1] * heightScale + offset, 0);

    positions.push((i + 1) * step, values[i + 1] * heightScale + offset, 0);
    positions.push(i * step, values[i] * heightScale + offset, depth);
    positions.push((i + 1) * step, values[i + 1] * heightScale + offset, depth);

    positions.push(i * step, 0, depth);
    positions.push(i * step, 0, 0);
    positions.push((i + 1) * step, 0, 0);

    positions.push(i * step, 0, depth);
    positions.push((i + 1) * step, 0, 0);
    positions.push((i + 1) * step, 0, depth);

  positions.push((values.length - 1) * step, 0, 0);
    (values.length - 1) * step,
    values[values.length - 1] * heightScale + offset,
    (values.length - 1) * step,
    values[values.length - 1] * heightScale + offset,

  positions.push((values.length - 1) * step, 0, 0);
    (values.length - 1) * step,
    values[values.length - 1] * heightScale + offset,
  positions.push((values.length - 1) * step, 0, depth);

  // itemSize = 3 because there are 3 values (components) per vertex
    new THREE.Float32BufferAttribute(positions, 3)


  var material = new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial({
    color: new THREE.Color(0x00ff00),
    shininess: 66,
    opacity: 1,
    transparent: true,
    side: THREE.DoubleSide

  var geometry = new THREE.Geometry().fromBufferGeometry(geometry);
  var mesh = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, material);

  return mesh;


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Haha! You’re welcome.