I have the below project which uses THREE JS r71 with html/css 2D button navigation (thanks Mugen87 for the fix -> Adding navigation buttons) but there are issues on mobile (most notably Safari on iPhone) where the buttons move.
I tested with the new version of THREE JS r118 and this appears to work however I’m getting the following errors and the “neural network” doesn’t look the same:
- THREE.ShaderMaterial: attributes should now be defined in THREE.BufferGeometry instead.
- 32bit index buffer not supported!
- THREE.Line: parameter THREE.LinePieces no longer supported. Use THREE.LineSegments instead.
I’ve used the https://github.com/mrdoob/three.js/wiki/Migration-Guide and searches for fixes but as a newbie, I’m totally lost.
Could anyone assist or guide me in the right direction to fix this?