I have this pen here. Whenever i set meshBackMat.transparent = true meshReflectiveMaterial stops seeing image and reflect it. It’s like dissapearing. Is it possible to keep image transparent while keeping transmission?
It’s not possible to do this with a MeshPhysicalMaterial as the transmission pass doesn’t render transparent materials.
Simplest solution is use MeshTransmissionMaterial if you’re using React Three Fiber, if you aren’t you can use MeshTransmissionMaterial from Drei Vanilla
Or you can use a modified version of THREE.js where you add a few lines of code to render transparent materials during the transmission pass, but there are pretty no much no advantages to doing this over the previous approach.
Im now using Drei’s transmission and it still doesn’t render trasparent object, maybe i’ve missed something idk
Are you using React Three Fiber or vanilla?
If it’s the latter check out the code for the storybook implementation, it’s not enough to just use the material: you also need to render your scene into the buffer it’s using.
Vannila ones, i’ll give it a try, thank you!