Transform controller with selective bloom shader Problem

Hi, I’m using transformController and Unreal Bloom shader in my custom editor.

I met problem that I can’t except transform controller by selective bloom.

In other word I have to use transform controller with Bloom effect.

That is okay but the main problem is If I hover XZ plane, the whole screen goes bright yellow as you can see below

before hover

after hover

sorry for your eyes…

I made selective bloom this way

function renderBloom() {
  const originBackGround = scene.background;
  scene.background = darkMaterial.color;
  scene.background = originBackGround;

function darkenNonBloomed(obj: THREE.Object3D) {
  if (!bloomLayer.test(obj.layers) === true) {
    if (
      obj instanceof THREE.Mesh ||
      obj instanceof THREE.GridHelper ||
      obj instanceof THREE.BoxHelper ||
      obj instanceof THREE.Sprite
    ) {
      if (obj.material) {
        materials[obj.uuid] = obj.material;
        obj.material = darkMaterial;

function restoreMaterial(obj: THREE.Object3D) {
  if (
    (obj instanceof THREE.Mesh ||
      obj instanceof THREE.GridHelper ||
      obj instanceof THREE.BoxHelper ||
      obj instanceof THREE.Sprite) &&
  ) {
    obj.material = materials[obj.uuid];
    delete materials[obj.uuid];

Dose any one try Transform controller with bloom shader ? :sob: