Im having an issue on my site that’s driving me crazy and I have NO idea how to resolve it. So recently I have added some three.js to my Webflow site using codepen. Everything has worked flawlessly accept for the fact that my design is not scaling itself to whatever window it is in. For instance if I am looking at my website on my phone and then turn it on inside, the picture remains the same instead of scaling down to match the horizontal view. Hopefully im explaining this right.
Also if make my web browser thinner, my design will not get smaller with it or be responsive. Can anyone PLEASE help me solve this?
Here is my JS `
const config = {
scene: {
speed: 0.24,
position: 3
object: {
speed: 0.25
shader: {
time: 0.17,
u_noise: 0.91,
decay: 0.86,
turb: 0.20,
scale: 5.0,
waves: 1.64,
size: 1.0,
displ: 0.0,
broken: true,
invert: true,
complex: 0.1,
const uniforms = {
turb: {
type: "f",
value: 0.0
time: {
type: "f",
value: 0.0
u_noise: {
type: "f",
value: 0.0
decay: {
type: "f",
value: 0.0
complex: {
type: "f",
value: 0.0
waves: {
type: "f",
value: 0.0
eqcolor: {
type: "f",
value: 0.0
pointscale: {
type: "f",
value: 0.0
scale: {
type: "f",
value: 0.0
displ: {
type: "f",
value: 0.0
fragment: {
type: "i",
value: true
redhell: {
type: "i",
value: true
class Control {
constructor(props) {
this.controls = new OrbitControls(props.camera, props.canvas);
init() {
this.controls.target.set(0, 0, 0);
this.controls.rotateSpeed = 1;
this.controls.enableZoom = true;
this.controls.minDistance = 1;
this.controls.maxDistance = 7;
this.controls.enableDamping = true;
update() {
class Particles {
constructor(props) {
this.scene = props.scene ? props.scene : null;
this.clock = new THREE.Clock();
init() {
this.p_grp = new THREE.Object3D();
this.p_mat = new THREE.ShaderMaterial({
uniforms: uniforms,
vertexShader: document.getElementById("vertexShader").textContent,
fragmentShader: document.getElementById("fragmentShader").textContent
this.p_geo = new THREE.IcosahedronBufferGeometry(0.5, 80);
this.p_mes = new THREE.Points(this.p_geo, this.p_mat);
render() {
this.p_mat.uniforms["time"].value =
this.clock.getElapsedTime() * config.shader.time;
this.p_mat.uniforms["turb"].value = config.shader.turb;
this.p_mat.uniforms["u_noise"].value = config.shader.u_noise * 0.1;
this.p_mat.uniforms["decay"].value = config.shader.decay * 0.01;
this.p_mat.uniforms["complex"].value = config.shader.complex;
this.p_mat.uniforms["waves"].value = config.shader.waves * 3;
this.p_mat.uniforms["pointscale"].value = config.shader.size;
this.p_mat.uniforms["eqcolor"].value = config.shader.color;
this.p_mat.uniforms["fragment"].value = config.shader.broken;
this.p_mat.uniforms["scale"].value = config.shader.scale;
this.p_mat.uniforms["displ"].value = config.shader.displ * 0.01;
this.p_mat.uniforms["redhell"].value = config.shader.invert;
class Space {
constructor(props) {
this.name = props.name ? props.name : "Null";
this.canvas = props.canvas ? props.canvas : null;
main() {
this.renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer({
canvas: this.canvas,
antialias: true,
alpha: true
this.clock = new THREE.Clock();
this.scene = new THREE.Scene();
this.camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera(45);
this.camera.position.set(0, 0.5, 3);
this.control = new Control({ camera: this.camera, canvas: this.canvas });
this.axesHelper = new THREE.AxesHelper(2);
this.axesHelper.position.y = -1.5;
this.renderer.shadowMap.enabled = true;
this.renderer.shadowMap.type = THREE.PCFShoftSHadowMap;
init() {
const scene = this.scene;
this.particle = new Particles({ scene });
resize() {
this.camera.aspect = window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight;
this.renderer.setSize(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight);
render() {
this.scene.rotation.y = this.clock.getElapsedTime() * config.scene.speed;
this.renderer.render(this.scene, this.camera);
loop() {
const canvas = document.querySelector("canvas");
const world = new Space({ canvas });
const panel = new Panel();
window.addEventListener("resize", () => world.resize());
window.addEventListener("load", () => world.resize());
I used this codepen to make my project:
and finally here is a read only link of my current Webflow site:
Thank you very much and hopefully I have given you enough info. I seriously am struggling here.