I’ve been trying to apply gradient colors to the Flower model used in this official THREE.js tutorial:
The flower model looks like this:
and it can be downloaded from here: three.js/examples/models/gltf/Flower at master · mrdoob/three.js · GitHub)
So far I’ve been able to successfully load the model into my project, and I’ve also been able to apply different colors to its “blossom” Mesh - but only solid colors.
I’d like to apply gradient colors.
To illustrate what I have in mind, I made a very quick-and-dirty image in photoshop of what it might look like:
I tried doing this using the vertexColors
technique - which is the only technique I know (I’m pretty new to THREE.js) - no luck thus far (code below.)
At this point a part of me is wondering if this is even possible to do with an imported GLTF model - or if its sort of a lost cause.
Would love some input/help.
Here’s my code - in two parts: the first is for solid colors - which works, the second is my attempt at applying Gradient colors - which does not work:
// NOTE: I stored the already imported GLTF model in a new Mesh called “blossomMesh”
// 1. Create a new Group to which I’ll add the Stem and Blossom:
var newFlower = new THREE.Group();
// 2. CLONE the MESH of the imported 3D model:
let newBlossomMesh = blossomMesh.clone();
// 3. CLONE it's GEOMETRY:
var newBlossomGeometry = blossomMesh.geometry.clone();
// 4. CLONE it's MATERIAL:
var newBlossomMaterial = blossomMesh.material.clone();
let newBlossomColor = new THREE.Color(generateRandomColor());
newBlossomMaterial.color = newBlossomColor;
newBlossomMesh.material = newBlossomMaterial;
So the above works for SOLID colors.
Here’s what I tried to get gradient colors going:
// 1. CLONE the MESH of the imported 3D model:
let newBlossomMesh = blossomMesh.clone();
// 2. This time use a BufferGeometry to CLONE the GEOMETRY:
var newBlossomGeometry = new THREE.BufferGeometry();
newBlossomGeometry = blossomMesh.geometry.clone();
var blossomVertexPositionsArray = newBlossomGeometry.attributes.position;
newBlossomGeometry = newBlossomGeometry.toNonIndexed();
blossomVertexPositionsArray = newBlossomGeometry.attributes.position;
// Make a Colors Array:
var blossomColorsArray = [];
const newBlossomColor = new THREE.Color();
for(var i = 0, l = blossomVertexPositionsArray.count; i < l; i ++) {
newBlossomColor.setHSL(Math.random() * 0.2 + 0.05, 0.95, 0.799);
blossomColorsArray.push(newBlossomColor.r, newBlossomColor.g, newBlossomColor.b);
// Now “splash” the "blossomColorsArray" all over the Blossom:
newBlossomGeometry.setAttribute("color", new THREE.Float32BufferAttribute(blossomColorsArray, 3));
newBlossomMesh.material = newBlossomMaterial;
What I get from doing this is a black colored blossom. Actually, it looks like it’s just not getting any color, meaning the black I’m seeing is more like the ABSENCE of color, not the actual color “black.”