I am a rookie who uses threejs. There will be a lot of places to use water at work, but there will be refraction errors when using water2, which makes me very distressed, like below.
On the left is the glb file exported with blender, there will be a refraction error, and on the right is created with THREE.PlaneGeometry. This situation will become more and more serious when I rotate the camera perspective.
glbLoader.load(`${OSS_PATH}/flowMap_test.glb`, (gltf: { scene: any }) => {
const mesh = gltf.scene.children[0];
const waterParams = {
color: 0x66f99f,
// color: 0x0000ff,
scale: 2,
flowX: 1,
flowY: 1,
alpha: 1.0,
clipBias: 1,
refractionRatio: 2,
reflectivity: 0.8,
const water = new Water(mesh.geometry, {
textureWidth: 512,
textureHeight: 512,
color: waterParams.color,
fog: scene.fog !== undefined,
clipBias: waterParams.clipBias,
scale: waterParams.scale,
depthWrite: true,
depthTest: true,
water.material.refractionRatio = waterParams.refractionRatio;
water.material.reflectivity = waterParams.reflectivity;
const water_p = new THREE.Vector3(60, 1, 0).add(mesh.position);
water.scale.copy(new THREE.Vector3(50, 0, 50).add(mesh.scale));