"The Azarian Journey" an immersive ballad in the forest

Hi, I’m very happy to introduce you ‘The Azarian Journey’, an immersive experience in the forest, built with Three.js + React.

https://le-voyage-azarien.art/ > put your headphones on for a better immersive experience

I scanned the trees with the LiDAR sensor from the I-PAD Pro 2020. I spent few weeks in the forest, and tried to understand more deeply my relationship with trees.
Everything is explained in the about page.

You have a free exploration mode here :

You can leave me a personnal feedback on your emotions, feelings at the end of the experience.

Thank you.
Joseph AZAR


Really well done, I really like the style, especially this scene…


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Thank you :slight_smile:
My friends scanned me in the forest. Such a great day. I recommend to everybody spend more time in the nature.


I liked that scene a lot :smiley:

Particle man: - Holy cows! A zebra deer!
Zebra deer: - Holy smokes! A particle man!


Haha hopefully, there is no weird tree on that scene, it will be the crazy magic party ! :pray:

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Merci pour cette belle balade zen et poétique. Le rendu est super, bravo pour ce travail !

I didn’t know that I-PAD Pro have LiDAR, you made me curious I will look if there is a cheaper way to use this kind of sensor

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Hey merci Hervé.
LiDAR sensor are now and the I-Pad Pro and Iphone 12 pro, I don’t know if there is a cheaper way … I don’t think so.