Symmetry [sphere of prisms, modified pass]

Hi community!



It’s all started with the thought of how to build a sphere of triangular prisms. IcosahedronGeometry became the base for that (see Discoball.js > inflateTris())
When the task was done, and selective bloom was added, I decided to add a nice touch of FilmPass, that adds cool lines of raster, and then another thought came to my mind - what if to add an audio spectrum, but straight into the FilmPass. As any other pass, it has material property, and as any other material it can be modified with .onBeforeCompile() (see Postprocessing.js)

PS All credits to TYCONIC for the music: Beyond Barriers | Tyconic


Awesome as always. I love the use of neon palette! Only 1 point - the green usage in the title feels off, since it’s not in the original palette. Maybe use something else?

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It’s so amazing! I am new to the 3D world and I want to learn more and better so that I can do anything like you. How do I learn this and where do I start? What is a road-map ?