Trying to create a simple example, I came up with this scene.
I rejected the idea of using two separated meshes for glowing and non-glowing objects and used the approach with a single material for glowing and non-glowing parts of boxes.
The scene consists of two components: instances of boxes (THREE.InstancedBufferGeometry()) and a cylinder (night city and the writing above it).
The hardest part was creating of the cityscape/skyline.
PS On mobile devices, that soundcloud widget offers to listen a track on Soundcloud first, but in 30 seconds it shows “listen in browser” link, clicking it allows to use widget’s “Play” button.
Reminds me of my pillars project from a while ago Bokeh & Unreal Bloom Website header or something, except your example seems to be way smoother. I wonder if its the bokeh pass difference or something else
Will study it when I have some time
Thanks, Paul, lovely example!
How did you get such smooth glows without aliasing? I’m testing the Unreal Bloom pass but it seems to turn off the default aliasing that I normally get with renderer.antialias = true: