I need to switch a matrix in Threejs from being z-Up to y-Up and back? It seems I´m failing miserable.
I thought it was something like:
{ rx, ry, rz, 0 }
{ ux, uy, uz, 0 }
{ lx, ly, lz, 0 }
{ px, py, pz, 1 }
To change it from left to right or right to left, flip it like this:
{ rx, rz, ry, 0 }
{ lx, lz, ly, 0 }
{ ux, uz, uy, 0 }
{ px, pz, py, 1 }
…found here (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1263072/changing-a-matrix-from-right-handed-to-left-handed-coordinate-system) but still it seems not right?