Sprite UV maping


I am struggling with the use of UV in sprite.geometry. Ultimately, I would like to have a lot of sprites on the stage using one texture (part of it). While in the case for a plane the uv change works as it should, for the sprite it always shows the whole texture

I modifiy sprite.geometry.attributes.uv.data.array to change items accordingly

	uv[3] = (nx / texAtlas.numX);
	uv[4] = ((ny / texAtlas.numY) + texAtlas.offset);
	uv[8] = ((nx / texAtlas.numX) + texAtlas.offset);
	uv[9] = ((ny / texAtlas.numY) + texAtlas.offset);
	uv[13] = (nx / texAtlas.numX);
	uv[14] = (ny / texAtlas.numY);
	uv[18] = ((nx / texAtlas.numX) + texAtlas.offset);
	uv[19] = (ny / texAtlas.numY);	

nx,ny are position of the fragment on te texture atlas grid.
texAtlas.numX~Y are numbers of elements in grid
texAtlas.offset is grid size

finally, the sprite.geometry.uv settings are correct but you can still see the entire texture instead of its element

Are you able to demonstrate this issue with a live example?

Depending on when your are modifying the attribute data, it’s necessary to call sprite.geometry.attributes.uv.needsUpdate to true. Otherwise the buffer data on the GPU are not updated.

I’ve rewritten fragments of my code for example. the effect is more or less visible

Is this the result you’re looking for?

You need not a common offset, but separated for x and y

texAtlas.offsetX = 1 / texAtlas.numX;
texAtlas.offsetY = 1 / texAtlas.numY;

Instead of working directly with an interleaved array, it’s better to use .setxxx() functions of a buffer attribute to set values of desired items.

function setSprUv(uv,nx,ny){

    uv.setXY(0, nx * texAtlas.offsetX,                      ny * texAtlas.offsetY);
    uv.setXY(1,(nx * texAtlas.offsetX) + texAtlas.offsetX,  ny * texAtlas.offsetY);
    uv.setXY(2,(nx * texAtlas.offsetX) + texAtlas.offsetX, (ny * texAtlas.offsetY) + texAtlas.offsetY);
    uv.setXY(3, nx * texAtlas.offsetX,                     (ny * texAtlas.offsetY) + texAtlas.offsetY);

The order of vertices you can find in the source code of THREE.Sprite(): https://github.com/mrdoob/three.js/blob/159a40648ee86755220491d4f0bae202235a341c/src/objects/Sprite.js#L26L39

Thanks for the answer. This actually solves the problem of an jsfiddle but after applying in my code, I still have the same effect. On the sprite you can see the entire texture even though its uv parameters are different.
for example, a sprite with uv parameters:
0: -0.5
1: -0.5
2: 0
3: 0
4: 0
5: 0.5
6: -0.5
7: 0
8: 0.0625
9: 0
10: 0.5
11: 0.5
12: 0
13: 0.0625
14: 0.0625
15: -0.5
16: 0.5
17: 0
18: 0
19: 0.0625
it still shows the whole texture even though it should be a 1/16 size slice.
I suspect that this is a matter of refresh parameters but sprite.geometry.attributes.uv.needsUpdate = true;
did not work

I am not sure, but these might be helpful to calculate UVs:



@Keworkian Any chance to see what and how you do in your project?

In this project I am creating a 3D view of concrete panels. Since the panels are not perfect cube, I had to create each of them according to their 8 corners. In the meantime, since we do not have any function to calculate UVs, I made it manually as you saw.
There are several panels, so I loaded them as JSON format. Here is the JSON which contain UVs:

        var myJson = {
            "metadata": {
                "version": 3,
                "type": "Geometry",
                "position": 14,
                "generator": "io_three"
            "data": {
                "index": {
                    "array": [0, 5, 4, 0, 4, 2, 2, 4, 9, 4, 11, 9, 9, 11, 12, 9, 12, 7, 4, 13, 11, 4, 6, 13, 6, 1, 13, 1, 8, 13, 1, 10, 8, 1, 3, 10],
                    "type": "Uint16Array",
                    "itemSize": 1
                "attributes": {
                    "position": {
                        "array": [0, 10, 1, 0, 10, 1, 0, 10, 0, 0, 10, 0, 3, 10, 0, 3, 10, 1, 3, 10, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 3, 0, 1, 3, 0, 1],
                        "type": "Float32Array",
                        "itemSize": 3
                    "uv": {
                        "array": [0, 1, 0.58333, 0.91667, 0, 0.91667, 0.66667, 0.91667, 0.25, 0.91667, 0.25, 1, 0.33333, 0.91667, 0, 0, 0.58333, 0.08333, 0, 0.08333, 0.66667, 0.08333, 0.25, 0.08333, 0.25, 0, 0.33333, 0.08333],
                        "type": "Float32Array",
                        "itemSize": 2