Thank you all for checking it out and the feedback! I definitley need to play with controls and will prioritize that next.
@felixmariotto You are definitley right about load times. Half the users leave during load. That is currently where my attention is focused. I thought the “Add to homescreen” prompt was out of my control. After looking into it I think I found a fix. That controls example is perfect. Thank you.
@looeee Solid feedback! Added WASD controls to see if the keys are easier to use. Hoping adding sensitivity settings helps, but ideally it plays nice out of the box.
Hint: The vehicle is inspired by asteroids. If you are not accelerating you will drift. You will only steer if acceleration is applied in that direction.
Thank you!!! I am not a developer, more of a 3D and graphic artist learning how to use threejs. So you have no idea how interesting that is to me! Using Raycasting and Lookat. I will give that a try!