SpaceMouse liberated at last!

Hi again,

I wrote a simple demo program for a SpaceMouse-with-Three.js application which processes raw sensor data of a SpaceMouse (see initial post of this thread) into an intuitive control of all six axes in 3D space.

Each axis of rotation can be independently controlled, without tainting the rotation of the remaining axes, and without sacrificing their simultaneous control. Control of Roll-axis can easily be disabled, by setting one variable to ‘false’. This is the default setting which I suggest novices at 6DoF devices keep until they have acquired the necessary level of opto-motorical coordination skills.

Attached to the camera is an (invisible) orthonormal coordinate system, aligned with the camera’s line-of-sight and up-direction, which I’m showing from a 3rd-person perspective for documentation purposes only:

Note the red/blue/green camera-axesHelper:

blue:  line-of-sight
green: up-vector
red:   side-vector

When rendering the 1st-person view of the SpaceMouse-controlled camera, puck-displacement forward-backward corresponds to the camera dollying along the line of sight (blue). Likewise will a puck displacement along the red line effect a “horizontal” pan in screen space, and a puck-displacement along the green line a “vertical” pan in screen space.

Except for an import of Three.js the file is completely self contained and comprises approx. 300 LOC, including comments and minimal HTML.

SpaceMouse or SpaceNavigator
compatibel (i.e. WebHID enabled) browser.

WebHID.html (12.0 KB)

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