Hi there, newbie to the forum so sorry if old quesiton
I’ve spent days trying to get a decent toon shader work on my obj models to no avail and trying to make the best i can with the standard toon shader, im totally new to threejs relatively so im probably doing something super wrong
(you can drag around)
I cant get any shadows to appear on the toon shader, its the closest i got to getting a 2d look(and i cant embed my obj model you see on the code sadly) but they just wont cast shadows or have any other look apart from flat.
Is it possible for the toon shader to cast a shadow?
Or to have a cell shaded half gray point between light and shadow?
And am i applying the material the mest way to the obj the way i’m doing it now?
Another example with a different light setup from the codepen but again no shadows, same material
I’m trying to use the toon shader as a way to save on material loading and having a low filesize
Nice!! Thanks dude! Works great, thank you for the helper idea too! I didn’t know about that object type, helps a lot.
But when I apply the castShadow to the obj model its still not casting shadow, are obj models treated differenty?
var loader = new THREE.OBJLoader( );
loader.load( ‘model/Pug_min.obj’, function ( obj ) {
obj.traverse((node) => {
if (node.isMesh) {
node.material =toonMaterials[1];
node.castShadow = true;
model_object = obj;
model_object.scale.copy(new THREE.Vector3(0.06, 0.06, 0.06))
model_object.position.set(0, 150, -500);